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A variety of prayer companions and novenas to guide you through your daily prayers.
Original French version of the book Neuvaine de prières avec le frère André. Link to product in English in description.
ISBN 9782894208281
Original French version of the prayer book Neuvaines pour les jours difficiles. Link to similar product in English in description.
Praying is sometimes simple, often it is difficult to enter into a relationship with God. This book offers prayers for all situations, all states of mind, all moods. The reader will find simple, nourishing and profound texts.
The instinctive refusal of solitude and the desire to "confide" are innate in man, whether or not he has a life of faith. Prayer has been placed at the heart of man in order to support him, to lighten his human fatigue.
This book contains more than ten colorfully illustrated pages for praying daily to the angels.
In this collection, there are more than 70 saints to invoke when faced with medical difficulties, work worries, to entrust one's family, finances, or to ask for moral help. It is a precious work and a very good companion.
This prayer book by Mary Mark Wickenhiser will help you grow in friendship with Saint Joseph and ask for his powerful intercession in prayer.
Let the Stories & Prayers in this book help you open your heart to the care that Saint Joseph can provide.
French version of Magnificat Semaine Sainte 2025 special edition.
Magnificat is a monthly magazine that accompanies you daily on the path of the Church's prayer and helps you develop your spiritual life.
Living with Christ is much more than the liturgy of the daily Mass. It is a prayer companion that follows you everywhere! It is a source of happiness and consolation in good and bad times.
This little booklet offers you the essential prayers and litanies to accompany your novena to Saint Joseph.
The book Prayers For Fathers includes reflections on preparing for fatherhood, treating teenage sons and daughters with love, and taking time to rest in the Lord.
A collection of prayers adapted to difficult everyday situations, such as family crises, illness, loneliness, but also to Christian festivals.
This collection of prayers will be an invaluable tool for making the journey with God during the time of suffering, to overcome the ordeal and to put words on pain that is difficult to express.
The original French version of the book ''Prières du chrétien''. A collection of prayers for all occasions, covering a wide range of themes: contemplation, grace, community, family, work, joys and sorrows.
The Scripture, reflection, and prayer for each day are especially suited to every woman who longs to enjoy a freer, fuller, and more faith-filled life.
A novena is an interior experience, a process, a privileged time with God. This booklet will guide you through the prayers dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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