Novenas, prayer books


A variety of prayer companions and novenas to guide you through your daily prayers.

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Novena dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows in French.
Novena dedicated to Mary Undoer of Knots in French.
Original French version of the book Manuel des Prières à la Vierge. Meditations, invocations, than
In this collection, there are more than 70 saints to invoke when faced with medical difficulties, wo
French version of Le Rosaire : Pour les neuvaines du Rosaire. Link to similar book in English in de
Novena dedicated to the Miraculous Virgin in French.
French version of Mes Prières en Livre de Poche. Link to similar product in English in description.
Novena dedicated to the Holy Spirit in French.
Original French version of the book Les sept douleurs et les sept allégresses de Saint Joseph.
Illustrated with various works of art, this book gathers classic novenas but also proposes prayer jo
Original French version of the book La toute puissante Notre-Dame qui défait les noeuds.
Novena dedicated to Saint Benedict in French.
Orginal French version of the prayer book Prières pour les causes difficiles ou désespérées.

Original French version of the prayer book Prières au Saint-Esprit. Link to similar product in Eng
Book available only in French.
This set consists of a novena dedicated to Mary who unties knots an
This book gathers all the main prayers to Saint Joseph so that we can know him better, pray to him b
Novena dedicated to the Child Jesus of Prague in French.
Novena book to Saint Brother André offers a simple and yet powerful tool to engage in a novena, a c
2025 Calendar Au fil des jours which offers daily liturgical information and brief meditations for e
The original French version of the book ''Les litanies de saint Joseph'' is a collection of meditati
Economical and practical vinyl case for the Living with Christ, monthly edition in large print. Wher
Novena dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in French.
This Spiritual Life Series volume is an inspiring book that seeks to bring the reader closer to St.

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