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A variety of prayer companions and novenas to guide you through your daily prayers.
Original French version of the novena booklet Neuvaine à saint frère André. Link to English version in description.
Original French version of the novena booklet Neuvaine à saint Joseph. Link to English version in description.
The French original version of the book ''Neuvaine à Saint Joseph pour la famille''. Pray for your family with the novena to St. Joseph booklet prepared by the Mater Dei Sisters, from the community of "St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary", sanctuary of Cotignac (
One of the most beautiful books of spirituality. The famous notebooks of Father Gaston Courtois. The heart to heart with Jesus was at the center of all his activity. Intimate notes written as if under the dictation of Christ, to use his words.
This pocket-sized booklet contains the daily prayers in English. Because of its small size, you can say your prayers wherever you go!
A new addition to this small-format series, this booklet features half a dozen of the most widely prayed Novenas, including those to the Miraculous Medal, St. Joseph, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Novena dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows in French.
French version of Le Rosaire : Pour les neuvaines du Rosaire. Link to similar book in English in description.
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis will enable those searching for guidance in the face of today's challenges to find encouragement to imitate Christ in many of life's challenges.
With magnificent full-color illustrations, an attractive blue cloth cover, and stained edges, this edition of The Imitation of Mary shows us how to lead our lives if we truly want to live in imitation of Mary.
This Spiritual Life Series volume is an inspiring book that seeks to bring the reader closer to St. Joseph through minute-long meditations that include a Scripture passage, a brief reflection, and a concluding prayer to him.
Original French version of the prayer booklet Rosaire avec Marie.
Pray the novena to Saint Joseph with the new edition of the prayer booklet from the Saint-Joseph Oratory containing carefully chosen prayers.
French version of the novena prayer booklet Neuf jours de réflexion, a selection of prayers and meditations inspired by Pope Francis.
Original French version of the prayer booklet '' Prier saint Joseph''
This little booklet contains the essential prayers and litanies to accompany you through your novena to Saint Brother André.
Édition : Salah, LIVC 57, 16 pages.
2025 Calendar Au fil des jours which offers daily liturgical information and brief meditations for every day of the year, in French.
French original version of the book Mois de Marie. This is a reprint of the excellent work of Father Eugene Lerat recounting the history of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Good Counsel and the shrine of Genezzano.
The Church's prayer for the dead, that they may be delivered from their sins, is an ancient practice. This collection of prayers helps us to do something for our friends who are undergoing the trial of Love that purifies.
Mary is recognized as a sublime figure before whom the faithful and men and women of good will come to meditate. This book is a beautiful collection of prayers dedicated to the holy virgin.
This wonderful spiritual companion contains the most popular devotions to the Sacred Heart, including the Novena, the Litany, and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
In these Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for each day, the author provides just the right amount of encouragement and challenge to guide and inspire men of every age and way of life.
This inspiring book will enrich personal devotion or make a wonderful gift for anyone seeking to become closer to Our Lady.
Novena dedicated to Mary Undoer of Knots in French.
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