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Inspiring books


A variety of inspiring and enlightening books written by renowned authors from the christian tradition.

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An anthology of bright, positive thoughts and powerful metaphors that deliver a clear message to fam
Original French version of the book L'Art de la réconciliation, a collection of various texts by fa
Text in French.
Whatever their origin, all the feasts of the Virgin Mary allow us to contemplate wh
In the original French version of the book Une vie au-delà des siècles Marie, the philologist, Car
The story of Basil Moreau, Founder of the Holy Cross is a story of war, persecution, controversy and
The French version of The Power of Hope Happiness Box is filled with thought-provoking messages and
If you are looking for a simple yet structured way to add reflection and prayer to your family's lif
Brigitte Bédard is a journalist and television columnist in Montreal (Quebec) and a writer. With he
Original French version of the book Peindre la Bible. This magnificent, lavishly illustrated book, b
The original French version of the book Vivre du Christ avec Marie. To live of Christ, with and like
Basil Moreau: Essential writings is an introduction to the life and thoughts of the founder of the C
A guide full of wisdom and spirituality to learn to love without giving up on yourself.

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