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Inspiring books


A variety of inspiring and enlightening books written by renowned authors from the christian tradition.

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In this book containing his apostolic letter Patris Corde “With a Father’s Heart”, Pope Franci
These texts put forward values and virtues that help us all to live and take our place, in fullness,
Amoris Laetitia is the subject of a precise study on the modern family of the 21st century and famil
Can of Joy. messages from the Bible : 365 sacred messages to guide you. Wherever you are. "Pull the
Text in French.
These texts put forward the values and virtues that help everyone to live and take
In this delightful meditation, Bishop Yvon Joseph Moreau invites us to contemplate Joseph from a dif
French version of The book Le livre de l'année saint Joseph by Pope Francis
A guide to the Beatitudes for Catholic couples, written by John Bosio. The author offers married cou
Text in French.
This book brings a fresh biblical perspective to contemporary family issues. The au
The original French version of the book "Voyages spirituels - 50 itinéraires de rêve autour du mon
Text in French. An ultra-contemporary illustrated story, somewhere between a beautiful book and a gr
The French version of The Box of Joy is a wonderful gift for a mother. Remind her every day of your
Original French version of the book Frère André : Une pensée par jour.
ISBN 9782894208441
English version of the book collecting some of the recent homily collection by Pope Francis to encou
These minute meditations for every day of the year contain a Scripture reading, a reflection, and a
Original French version of the book Amoris laetitia - La joie de l'amour by Pope Francis. Link to En
This Passion study, written by author Dr. Thomas W. McGovern, allows readers to enter more deeply th
The original French version of the book L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ. An introduction to the mystery
The French version of the book ''À Jésus par Marie'' is the fruit of the collaboration of many mem
The first apparitions of Mary date back to the first century of the Church and have persisted into m
The original French version of the book Vivre du Christ avec Marie. To live of Christ, with and like
Text in French.
This book is intended to stand the test of time as a reference point for believers
An anthology of bright, positive thoughts and powerful metaphors that deliver a clear message to fam
In these Scriptures, reflections, and prayers for each day, the author provides just the right amoun

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