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Inspiring books


A variety of inspiring and enlightening books written by renowned authors from the christian tradition.

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The Can of Joy 365 messages for you dad is a wonderful gift for a father. Remind him every day of yo
Invited the Ultimate Catholic Wedding Planner by Stephanie Calis, is a comprehensive resource for co
Text in French.
This book brings a fresh biblical perspective to contemporary family issues. The au
The French version of the book ''À Jésus par Marie'' is the fruit of the collaboration of many mem
The French version of The Box of Joy is a wonderful gift for a mother. Remind her every day of your
Amoris Laetitia is the subject of a precise study on the modern family of the 21st century and famil
Find in this book a practical and inspiring exhortation to take up the tools, practices, and sacrame
Message box with 365 french quotes.

A quote from Pope Francis for each day. Words of love, wisdom
French version of the book containing Pope's Francis' encyclical letter Tutti Fratelli.
French version of the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si' on the protection of the environment. Y
In this book, you will find short meditations and prayers for every day, including a Scripture text
Original French version of the book Amoris laetitia - La joie de l'amour by Pope Francis. Link to En
This Passion study, written by author Dr. Thomas W. McGovern, allows readers to enter more deeply th
The original French version of the book "Voyages spirituels - 50 itinéraires de rêve autour du mon
French original version of the book Il était une fois le Québec. "The world I entered when I was 1
The first apparitions of Mary date back to the first century of the Church and have persisted into m
By bringing together Catholic teachings about Mary and sources from other religious traditions, and
While continuing to appreciate the spirituality of her Mohawk people, Kateri continued to strengthen
The author shows that, even in the greatest of torments, an incurable illness, a betrayal, a brutal
Here are some nuggets of wisdom gathered from "masters of life" who have meditated and sought a path
In this book containing his apostolic letter Patris Corde “With a Father’s Heart”, Pope Franci
A statement by Pope Francis for each and every day. Tear the edge, read the message, live the moment
These texts put forward values and virtues that help us all to live and take our place, in fullness,
Text in French. An ultra-contemporary illustrated story, somewhere between a beautiful book and a gr

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