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Éditions Médiaspaul


Novena book to Saint Brother André offers a simple and yet powerful tool to engage in a novena, a c
French version of the book De imitatione Christi (Imitation of Christ).
Original french version of the book Petit illustré des saints du Canada
ISBN 9782894209189
French version of the book containing the apostolic letter Patris Corde, by Pope Francis.
Original French version of the book Amoris laetitia - La joie de l'amour by Pope Francis. Link to En
The original French version of the book Liturgie de la messe. This collection contains the Ordinary
This book sketches a portrait of Mary's husband from the Gospels and discusses his cult throughout h
Original French version of the book Frère André : Une pensée par jour.
ISBN 9782894208441
Orginal French version of the book Frère André, le saint de l'Oratoire. Link to product in English
One of the most beautiful books of spirituality. The famous notebooks of Father Gaston Courtois. The
An anthology of bright, positive thoughts and powerful metaphors that deliver a clear message to fam
French version of the book containing Pope's Francis' encyclical letter Tutti Fratelli.
An original way to discover Saint Brother André's life in a beautifully illustrated book that will
This little book will reveal the secret of peace and happiness to those who want to read and meditat
Original French version of the book Neuvaine de prières avec le frère André. Link to product in E

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