Carte avec prière en anglais, Sainte Vierge

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Carte avec prière en anglais, Sainte Vierge
Taille: 5,5 x 8,5 cm / 2 x 4,5 po.
Fabriqué au Canada

Livraison fiable
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Objets bénis
Emballage soigné


En anglais.

Carte plastifiée avec une représentation de la Vierge Marie et une prière en sa faveur, à l'endos:

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin A remedy against the Spirit of Darkness and the forces of hatred and fear 

MAJESTIC QUEEN OF HEAVEN, Supreme Mistress of the Angels, from the beginning God gave you the power and the mission of crushing the head of Satan. We humbly ask you to send your holy Angels so that, under your command and through your power, they may pursue the demons, wage war against them everywhere, check their boldness and drive them back into the abyss. "Who is like God?"

O kind and tender Mother, you will always be our love and our hope.

O divine Mother, send your holy Angels to defend me and keep the Enemy far from me

Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us and watch over us. Amen. Indulgences attached to this prayer by Pius Xon 8 July 1908. Authentic text of the prayer dictated by Our Lady to Father Louis Cestac on 13 January 1864."Dear Mother, says Father Cestac, you are so good, could you not send them (the holy Angels] without our asking you?" “No, replied the Most Blessed Virgin prayer is a condition set by God Himself to obtain graces." "Well, dear Mother, would you yourself teach me how to pray?" (Memorizing it is advised to pray it daily)

Taille: 5,5 x 8,5 cm / 2 x 4,5 po.

Code produit : 327-05-ENG926

Fabriqué au Canada

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